// 'Wipeout' gametype configuration file // This config will be executed each time the gametype is started // map rotation set g_maplist "wfca1 pressure cwL2 cwM1 wfca1 wca3 sandboxb5 shredder wfca1 partyca1 ourpackagebeta3 return wfca1 Poundtown cwM3 phca2xl wfca1 corp oxodm19_125 cwM2" set g_map_pool "#q3dm6 2sweet 50u1ca1 abandoned actdm1 Aerorun aquarium_2x-001 auh3dm1 b1607216506 b1623572310 b1625813567 babyimstiffbeta2a babyimwhatb4 befca1_beta_056 bipbeta2 biwfinal chiropteradm claustrophobia cloudninea2 corp cwL1 cwL2 cwL4 cwL5 cwM1 cwM2 cwM3 cwM4 cwS1 estatica ferocity Feros b2_haduca1 inkfinal itata-003 jerms_ca2 kodex lsdm1 ourpackagebeta3 oxodm102_b1_125 oxodm120_125 oxodm20_125 oxodm2a_125 oxodm73_125 oxodm101_125 oxodm131a_b1_125 oxodm19_125 oxodm54_125 oxodm90_125 partyca1 phca2xl plduel2_125 Poundtown pressure raketliga_slide return sandboxb5 shredder sohca1 trax wca3 wfca1 wfca2 whatislovea5 whatsparadigmb4" set g_enforce_map_pool "1" set g_maprotation "1" // 0 = same map, 1 = in order, 2 = random // game settings set g_scorelimit "5" set g_timelimit "0" set g_warmup_timelimit "1" set g_match_extendedtime "0" set g_allow_falldamage "0" set g_allow_selfdamage "0" set g_allow_teamdamage "0" set g_allow_stun "0" set g_teams_maxplayers "8" set g_teams_allow_uneven "0" set g_countdown_time "3" // set g_maxtimeouts "1" // -1 = unlimited // gametype settings set g_wipeout_teamdelay "0" set g_wipeout_delay "10" // classes settings set g_noclass_inventory "gb mg rg gl rl pg lg eb cells shells grens rockets plasma lasers bolts bullets" set g_class_strong_ammo "1 75 20 20 40 125 180 15" // GB MG RG GL RL PG LG EB echo "wipeout.cfg executed"